Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Nail that sticks up...

So after weeks and weeks and weeks of work my most recent creation is a completely new keyboard and action mounted on the orignal frame and stack for a 1908 Bechstein 7'6" semi-concert grand. The action was sent to me from the piano technology department at the University of Wesern Ontario which is rebuilding the piano for the prestgious Royal Conservatory in Toronto.

There were two seperate momments during the design and fabriction of this project that I believed that I would have to scrap all my work up to that point and start over. The original action utililzed an archaic rocker system to connect the key end to the whippen. I had to bascially start from scratch and design a new operationally modern keyboard and action from the ground up that could work within the dimensional confines of the archaic stack and frame.

I think I nailed it.

We take refuge in pride because we are afraid to tell the truth to ourselves.
- Kakuzo Okakura

Or sometimes, you nail it.